Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

Why we can't go along anymore?

I keep on my mind how different this situation could be today..At the time we were dating, everything seems going smooth..He is kind, romantic, and gentle. He always listen to my complaints and be my shelter of life.

Now, he prefer to watch TV than talk to me. Taking the rest of his leisure time to sleep than to have dinner together..When I want to eat pizza, he prefer to eat chinese food. When I need to be listened, he prefer to going to the bar with his friends..what happened with us? why we can't go along again in this marriage?

If you have similar problems like above, try this tricks to hold your marriage safely:

1. Accepting that You and Him are different character..
Learn to understand that you are 2 different people with unique characteristics. He will
never be the same with you. Don't push it to be the same..
Rather than expliciting the differences, trying to accept the differences will ease to keep your marriage to run smoothly.

2. Never Blaming, but Introspect Yourself first
Change your angle of perspectives. It's time to learn to see in "his eyes" not "your eyes". It will
ease you to understand him more

3. Forgive and Forget
Nobody is innocent in the marriage. Once in a while, he must have some mistakes on you. The
effective recipe to keep marriage is to Forgive and Forget. It is not easy. Keep thinking that
your love to him is bigger than his mistake. Remember all the sweet things that he has done to
you..A little mistake won't be big anymore..

4. Marriage is about "We" and not "You and I" anymore.
Compromising is the most effective word to describe it. See every problem on "Our Eyes" not
"your eyes" or "my eyes". Discuss it together, communicate every problems with your spouse
and decide it together.

Marriage Value: Marriage is about taking 2 different characteristics into 1 soul. Always take "our side" than "your side" or "my side".

Two are Enough, Three are too Much!

It often happen that family has contributed a hot issue in the marriage. It could be his mother, her father, or any other family members. They are giving opinions, push it to be implemented in your marriage and soon it arises flames in your marriage..

I believe that family has their good will for you. But it is the time to put the opinions on the place it should be. If you encounter the problems, discuss it first with your spouse..Listen to his/her opinions then finalize the solution together.

If the problem persists and it still become the confussions for both of you, then a little help may do. Asking the opinion of the elder one may help such as parents, auntie, cousins. But just listen and make it to be your reference. Discuss it again about pros and cons to your spouse then decide it.

But the fact sometimes doesn't run smooth. Family sometimes become too dominant in determining "your marriage boat direction". They keep pushing and pushing opinion into yours.
Learn to pull them aside of "your marriage area". being strict is important to do.
Don't let other people ruin your "marriage boundary". but always do it in the manner way and not insulting others. Treat every opinion as reference but the final decision is yours.

Marriage Value: It is important to remember that marriage is belong to you and your spouse. Family is important in contributing ideas but the final decision must be yours to choose..